Our Purpose
At Ascension we come together as God's Family to: WORSHIP the Lord; GROW in Faith; CARE for Others; and SHARE the Good News of Jesus Christ.
WORSHIP the Lord
Worship is at the core of who we are and what we do. Each week, we come together to experience and receive God’s mercy and grace. Worship offers solace in times of adversity and amplifies joy during moments of celebration.
GROW in Faith
The experience of strengthening one’s bond with the Lord takes patience and a willingness to embrace challenges. Together, we take on this journey of growing in faith through Bible Study, devotional readings, prayer, fellowship, and reflection.
CARE for Others
God cares about everyone and we strive to do the same. Caring for others is how we put the many teachings of God’s love into action. As a church family, we express acts of kindness, provide support in times of need, and collectively share one another’s burdens.
SHARE the Good News of Jesus Christ
It is our calling to brighten the lives of others with messages of hope and salvation. We help others discover that in a relationship with Jesus, you will find forgiveness, wholeness, joy, and love. Sharing the gospel is a way to show love to our neighbors.